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Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Unbreakable Bond Chapter 2 - The Move and a Special Visit

Chapter 2 - The Move and a Special Visit

We headed home and Steve kept looking over at me discreetly. Well, he thought he was being discreet about it. Every time he would do this I would get a huge smile on my face. He was so sweet. What in the world had I done to deserve this incredible man of mine? As we kept driving, I also watched him. He was largely built and had the most gorgeous blue eyes, eyes that I could stare into for hours and never want to stop. I always felt like I could see his soul through these eyes. I loved him so much and now I was going to be his wife. We were moving into an incredible new home and starting our lives together. I hope this isn’t just a wonderful dream. As if in response to my thought, Steve squeezed my hand and raised it to his lips kissing it sweetly.

I wanted him so badly right now; I knew my panties were so wet right now, with just that one sweet thing. He kissing my hand did that to me that was the kind of power he had over me. I knew we wouldn’t have time to do anything until Alex went to bed tonight. I smiled up at him and reached over and kissed him on his cheek. I would have to wait!

I also knew that this next week would be so hectic with packing and moving into the new house, even with the thought of all the work, I didn’t care I was just so happy. I would do anything for him, even pack up and move. I would follow this man anywhere. When we pulled into the driveway to the house we lived in right now, Alex was getting off of the bus. She smiled at me and ran towards the car; she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug.

“How was school today?” I asked her.

“Fine. Carolyn has a new boyfriend,” she told me.

Wow, did I act like this when I was her age? I thought about it and I realized yes I did. She was happy for her friend, but she looked sad also, I’m guessing she liked someone and just hadn’t had the nerve yet.

Carolyn has been Alex’s best friend since kindergarten. They’ve always been inseparable, according to Steve. I really liked Carolyn and her mother. Carolyn had spent a plenty of nights with us and I liked how close they were. It seemed to me that Alex told Carolyn everything.

“Is it ok if Carolyn spends the night with me tomorrow night? It is Friday. Please?” She asked Steve and me.

I looked over at Steve and he looked like he was going to tell her no, but I shook my head at him.

“Sure Alex, Carolyn can spend the night with you tomorrow. She can help you keep busy, so your dad and I can start packing.” She looked at me with evil eyes and I just smiled at her and let Steve take it from here.

“Honey, we are moving, but only to another area of town. Its about thirty minutes away from here, don’t worry you wont have to change schools or anything. It’s just a new house for us all. Plus, Alexandra, I need to talk to you about something,” he paused to look at me and I interceded again.

“We have something to discuss with you, Alex.” Steve smiled at me and went on.

“Alexandra, honey I asked Leah to marry me today. What do you think about that?” He asked her.

“I would love for Leah to be my mom. I love you Leah you know that. I would love for you to be married,” she said hugging me. I smiled down at her with tears in my eyes and kissed the top of her head. I now had my own daughter.

“So I get to move to a new house and I get a new mom? Wow, when are we moving?” She asked.

“This week we will get everything packed up and moved. Then next weekend we will move there together,” I said. We were a family and a happy one. I was elated.

I couldn’t believe how my life was going. I went from a unhappy, pissed off she-wolf, to a happy and loved fiancĂ©, with a great guy who had a daughter of his own and I loved her like she was mine.

The following week we had packed everything we owned and were headed to our new home. I didn’t think we actually had that much, but in reality we had tons of stuff, enough junk to fill up two trailers full. It took us two trips to fully empty our old tiny house that was full of boxes and take all of them to our new home. I loved the house, it was large enough for all three of us and I could see Steve and me growing old in that house.

Every time we pulled into the driveway and I saw that house I always smiled. It was our family home. It took the following week or two to get everything unpacked and set up. We had to go get a few things as well. Steve bought us a new Plasma TV for the living room and a new dining room table. We had only been looking for a small one for the three of us, but I had seen this one and fell in love. It was long and it could seat eight people made of beautiful, dark mahogany wood. It fit perfectly. I hadn’t had to paint anything except Alexandra’s room because she wanted a purple room. So her and I went and picked out the color together and we also painted it together with sponge painted details. It turned out pretty cool actually, so I ended up doing my bathroom like that, but in tan and caramel colors.

We were all settled into our new home and it was almost time for my mom to visit. I was so excited to see her and for her to meet Steve and Alex. She would be arriving in about another week. It had been three weeks since we moved in and we were pretty comfortable now, so I told her to come as soon as she could.

I had talked to Alex about my mom and how nice she was. She had asked me about my dad so I had to explain to her that my dad had died. She had hugged me and told me that she understood and that she missed her mom too. I couldn’t believe that a ten year old had so much depth to her; it seemed to me that she was a little bit more mature than other ten year old girls that I knew.

The day my mom came, I felt like a little kid again; like I was taken to a toy store and was told that I could get anything I wanted. I was bouncing up and down on the outside, but scared to death that my mom wouldn’t like them. I was terrified of that, I wouldn’t leave him if she did though, I loved him so much. Nothing could pull me away from him now, not even my own mom.

But, my worries didn’t come to mean anything, she loved them both. She told me how happy she was for me and that she loved the house. She stayed with us for a week and helped me with some of the wedding details. I was just starting to plan it! We wanted to get married in the spring or summer, so I had plenty of time since it was autumn right now. But I didn’t have that much time. My mom told me that I needed to come home to the rez and see Emily, she told me about her kids, she had three boys already and a little girl on the way. I couldn’t believe that. We promised my mom that we would come to visit before the wedding.

The week she had to spend with us went by so fast, but I was happy that she liked them so much. Alex actually called her grandma and I saw my mom’s eyes light up. I hadn’t seen that since that ill fated day that my dad died. I hated to see her leave though, I knew we would be going to the rez soon. I had promised her by the end of the month we would make a trip and come and see everyone.

I was actually excited about going home - something I thought I would never feel again. I had promised myself that I wouldn’t be going back there. I didn’t want to watch Sam and Emily grow old and happy together, with their kids. Now I had my own family and my own happiness, and now I couldn’t wait to go home. My mom had told me that the Cullen’s were coming back home too, so that meant I could see Jacob, my alpha. Even though I hadn’t phased in a long time, I still felt that connection of his alpha power.
We said our ‘goodbye’s’ and ‘I love you’s’ and then she boarded her plane. The three of us got back in our car and headed home. When we got there, our phone was ringing off the hook, Alex ran up to the door, bouncing up and down.

“Hurry dad that could be Taylor !” She yelled.

Steve and I just looked at each other and then back at her. Who in the world was Taylor ? I knew Steve was thinking the same thing I was because he gave me and her that look, you know the one that says ‘you better tell me now or I’m going to kill you’ look. So I hurried up and asked the question that was going through his head and mine. Alex was waiting impatiently at the door, still bouncing up and down.

“Who is Taylor ?” I asked.

“Oh, he’s just a friend,” she said. She had this shit-eating grin on her face and I knew better…uh huh right, just a friend. That’s when Steve said something that shocked me.

“Is he your boyfriend? Because you know I will have to meet him first.” Alexandra and I both just stared at him.

“OK dad, I’ll tell him you want to meet him, and yes, he is my boyfriend,” she told him.

So Carolyn wasn’t the only one with a new boyfriend. As long as she was happy I didn’t care. We got into the house and it hadn’t been Taylor on the phone, it was Carolyn. She called again about ten minutes after we got in the door, right when Alex was trying to call her back. They were on the phone all afternoon. I told Alex to tell Carolyn that we would be taking a trip in about two weeks. I overheard some of their squeals and chatting. They were talking about their boys. The following day we got to meet Taylor and boy, that was a fun day. Steve might have been nice but I could see he was dying, you could see it in his eyes. His little girl was growing up and he didn’t like it. I went over to him and kissed his cheek, then gave him a hug.

“It will be ok Steve, she’s just growing up. You knew she would have to sooner or later.” I smiled up at him and he shook his head at me. I knew he understood that, but it was still hard for him.

By the end of the afternoon, I started to really like Taylor, he was sweet and funny. The next two weeks they were over at our house together ever afternoon. They always did their homework first then they would sit around and watch TV or go for a swim in our pool. I know they were only ten, but they acted so much older. It was like they were really serious about each other; it was nothing like how Carolyn and her boyfriend Kevin acted. They actually acted their age.

The next two weeks went by so fast, it was like I was speeding towards home and it was pulling me there. I wanted to be there so bad and was happy when it was finally time. Alex on the other hand, didn’t want to go. We were going to be gone for a week and she didn’t want to be away from Taylor that long. I rolled my eyes when she started to whine and complain. She was just ten and she already didn’t want to be away from her boyfriend, it was crazy.


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