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Friday, March 4, 2011

Broken Sun Prologue


I can feel it, a pull towards something, I don’t know what it is or who, but it’s there. How do I find it, who do I go to find out what it is. I feel like I should know what it is, shouldn’t I? All I do know is that, I live in a world were I am perfect…I am goddess… I am feared and some where deep down inside me, I know something isn’t right.

Its like that pull I feel every time I take a humans life away. I feel like I know it’s wrong...I shouldn’t be doing this. I do it anyways, it’s the only way I can survive!
I live in Voltera and we are the ruling class of vampires. Yes, that’s right I am a guard in the Volturi.

My name is Isabella. I am a shield. Just like I said I am to be feared!


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