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Friday, March 4, 2011

Broken Sun Chapter 8 - Trip with Aro

Chapter 8 - Trip with Aro

When I read the note, I rushed into my room to change and then headed right to see Aro. I knocked on his office door, where I was told he would be, and he told me I could enter.
I walked in and walked over to that huge desk of his.

“You told me to come as soon as I got back, so here I am Master, what do you need?” I asked him. It felt weird to call him that, it also felt very wrong.

“Isabella, I wanted to talk to you about what you did the other day. Please have a seat.” He waited for me to take a seat, then went on with the conversation. “I have never seen a vampire be able to do that, no one has been able to get past her shield. Darling, I think you are the most powerful shield I have ever seen. I’m so glad you have decided to join with us. I do have something for you to do today, I need you and Felix to go out and get a dress for you. We are going to be having a masquerade ball in a month or two and you will want a dress made special just for you. Don’t forget a mask to go with it! Plus, later on tonight, I will need you to come on a trip with me. I need to go some dear friends of mine, Reneta and you both will need to come with me.”

“What about Felix?” I really didn’t want to be without him.

“Felix has other things to do right now, you will need to pack, we will be gone for about three weeks. So hurry along and get shopping, enjoy it, then come back and get packed. We will leave before the sun comes up.” he told me.

“Okay, um Aro, have you found anything out yet?”

“Sorry, Isabella I haven’t yet. I will keep looking into it. I do have a theory though, would you like to hear it?”

“Yes, please.”

“I think, your power is not letting you remember things, like it’s keeping you out as well as all of us.”

“I don’t really know about all of that, I don’t really understand how my power works Aro, do you?” I asked, it was one of those questions that has been bugging me for a while now.

“Well, Reneta told me once, it was like an elastic band and you can shape it and form it. You will have to learn how to use it, that is why I am taking you and Reneta, away with me for a while. This trip isn’t only to see some dear friends, it’s to help you dear.” Aro smiled at me when he said this, and I smiled back.

“Now you better hurry, go find the perfect dress.”

“Thank you, Aro!”

“Your welcome, now go.”

I turned around and walked out of his office and headed to talk to Felix about going shopping and the trip. I found him still in our room, I called out his name, when I opened the door and he came out and smiled.

“So are you ready to go shopping, Love?” There was that feeling again when he called me that. I pushed it out and smiled at him.

“Yes, I guess you know about the trip too?”

“Yes, I do. I hate how long you will be gone, but you should have fun. You’ll get to go to all kinds of places with Aro. Plus learn to use your shield. My powerful Izzy!” he said smiling.

He took my hand and lead down to the cars, we took both of them. We had a race to see who would get to the dress makers shop first, and of course he won. We went in the shop and the lady there seemed to be waiting for me, she turned the open sign over to closed and asked me to follow her into the back, so I did, Felix waited in the front.

She took all of my measurements. Then she brought in all these fabrics to show me. I picked out a beautiful navy blue. Then we decided what it would look like, while we talked, she sketched it.

It turned out perfect, I couldn’t wait to wear it. I smiled at her and thanked her. She told me it would be finished in five weeks. She also made me my mask as well, it only covered around my eye’s, I didn’t want it to cover my face. It was navy blue with black lace on top, like the bottom of my dress.

The top was just navy blue, it was strapless and the bottom puffed out like a princess’s dress would. It would be perfect! When we were finished with it, I headed back out to where Felix was waiting, I walked over to his side and took his hand and smiled at him. He paid the woman for the dress then we headed out to the cars and back to the castle so I could pack.

When we got to our room, I headed straight into mine and into my closet to pack. After a moment Felix walked in to help me, I packed enough cloths for four to five weeks, I just couldn’t decide what to pack and what not to bring. I had two bags to bring with me when I was done.

After all the packing Felix pulled me into the living room. We sat there for a long time and he just held me. He kept kissing my head, my forehead, my cheeks, my neck, my collarbone, and finally I couldn’t take it anymore and I reached up and kissed him.

“I can’t believe I’m going to be away from you for three whole weeks, I’m going to miss you terribly.” I told him.

“And I you, my Izzy, I want to give you something before you go. I don’t want you to answer me, but I want you to know and have it.”

Felix got down on one knee and pulled out a black box from his pocket. Then held it out to me.

“Izzy, will you marry me? I love you Izzy and want to be your husband. Don’t answer now, answer me when you get back.”

“I love you too Felix, but” I paused, I couldn’t tell him that I didn’t want to marry him because I really did, it was just that I wanted my memory back before I did that.

“Honey, I said don’t answer me yet.” he had a scared look on his face. Like he thought I would say no.

“I wasn’t going to say no, I was going to say that I want my memory back first. I want to know about my life first, about who I am. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Izzy I do understand. Just know that I love you, and think about it when you are gone. Okay?”

“Okay, I love you too.” I told him and kissed him, then I got up and headed to where Aro told me to meet him.

Felix carried my bags to the car, and kissed me goodbye. Then we were on our way. When we got to the private airstrip again, there was someone else waiting there for us on the plane. Licy was there. I looked over at Aro and he smiled at me.

“A friend for you, I figured you would need someone to talk to. You know since Felix couldn’t come with you.”

“Thank you Aro.” I went over and sat next to Licy.

We talked the whole flight, I didn’t know where we were going but it didn’t take long till we were landing. I looked out the window and Licy told me we were in Ireland. Wow I thought, Ireland. I wish I knew if I had ever been here.

“ So here’s the plans Right now we are going to go to our hotel there Reneta and you are going to practice for a while. Then Reneta and Aro are going to go out for a bit. Tonight you and I can go out for a while, then in the morning we are going to be leaving. We are going to be going to America, for two weeks! I can’t wait!”

“Wow, all of that in just three weeks!”

We were in the car by now, headed towards the hotel. When we got settled, we had the top presidential sweat it had three bedrooms, Licy and I shared my room together. She had become my friend on this trip, and it had just begun.

We ended up being gone for over three weeks, we were gone for five. I meet tones of vampires and learn exactly how to use my shield, I could even move it from me and let people use their powers on me, like Aro, he enjoyed this tremendously.


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