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Friday, March 4, 2011

Broken Sun Chapter 30 - Wedding and Sunsets

Chapter 30 - Wedding and Sunsets

We stayed there in our little paradise for the rest of the week, we enjoyed everything a honey moon entails.  I loved hearing my new name and Edward obliged me by saying it often.  But, we had to be leaving soon to get back for Felix’s and Lena’s wedding.  I didn’t really want to leave, but Edward said we had forever to return when ever we wanted.  As we packed to head back home, I said goodbye to my little island.  I got to thinking, I really didn’t even care that Edward had bought it for me.  I loved him so much, I thought to myself as he walked back in the room and wrapped his arms around me.  Finally we could be happy and together and nothing would come in between us again.  We could finally live our lives together forever, in peace, well that’s what I thought. 

We were all packed and heading out on the boat, I watched as my little island disappeared in the distance and I had to frown.  Man, I wanted to be back there on that beach, soaking up the sun with Edward.  Maybe after the wedding we can come back and finish our honeymoon. 

    “Edward, can we come back here after the wedding and finish out our honeymoon?”  I asked.  He smiled at me and wrapped his arms around me again.

    “Of course we can, we can do what ever you want to do.” he kissed the top of my head as he steered the boat into the docks in Rio.  From there we took a cab to the airport, got on our first plane, the ride on the plane was just as enjoyable as the first time.
I was sitting there in my first class seat next to Edward and I remembered I had something to ask Edward about the wedding. 

    "Edward, during the wedding after we were pronounced and we went out back, Jake and Seth came over to congratulate us. Well, I was wondering what Jake said to you in his head?"

    “Oh, I thought you saw that, you always caught me when I was trying to have a conversation with someone in my head.  Well, Jake told me to take good care of you, that you were like a sister to him and that if I hurt you in any way, that he would hunt me down like a dog and kill me.” the way Edward said this made me laugh, he said it so nonchalant.  I laughed and he smiled and kissed me.

 Then we landed and had to get on another plane, that trip didn’t take anytime.  When we got to the airport in Port Angeles,  Carlisle and Esme was waiting for us.  They both hugged us and we headed out towards the car.  I saw Edward jerk his head around all of the sudden and that’s when I saw him.  We were being watched!  But, not just by anyone, we were being watched by Demetri. 

As Demetri came towards us, I latched onto Edwards arm, I was so scared!  I didn’t know what to say or do.  Why in the world was he here?  I didn’t understand what was going on, then I heard Carlisle talking to him.

    “Hey Demetri, we’re here to pick you up as well as Edward and Bella.  Did you all have nice flights?” Carlisle asked.

    “We did!” Edward said, looking down at me with a smile, he tightened his grip on my shoulder.  He was hearing something in Demetri’s mind that he didn’t like. 

    “I also had a nice flight Carlisle, thanks for letting me know about the wedding, Edward you can ease up.  I’m just here to see one of my friends get married.  Im happy for him, he deserves to be happy.”  I looked over at Demetri and he winked at me. 

    “Yes, he does.” I said. 

We headed out to the car and got in, we made it to the house in about fifteen minutes, traffic was horrendous.  I laughed when Carlisle had said that under his breath.  We got out of the car, Carlisle parked in the front of the house and Alice came running out of the house to meet us.  She pulled me out of Edwards arms and into the house, then straight upstairs to try on my dress for the wedding.  It fit perfect of course, Alice and her little pixie magic.

 After that was done, Elena came into the room and we hugged and talked about the wedding for hours, the wedding was planned for Saturday afternoon, which was in three days.  They had everything done and planned.  Elena seemed very happy and was really sweet.  I thought her and Felix would be a perfect match for each other.  She asked if I wanted to see her dress, I shook my head yes and Alice went to go get it out.  It was beautiful.

 It was a strapless dress with a red strip of fabric on the top rim and the bottom rim of the dress.  It had two pleats of the red on the top part.  It trimmed the dress out perfect. It was a princess cut dress, with a long train and veil.  She had a tiara for her head that the veil attached to.   She told me the tiara had been her mom’s, her mom had worn it at her wedding.  She sowed me the rest of the jewelry and the shoes also.  The shoes were also white, with really big heals, of course another Alice’s doing’s.  The necklace and earrings were gorgeous, the necklace was a teardrop style with diamond encrusted intricate design, the ear rings matched the necklace.  I knew she would be beautiful in all of it.  She just beamed when she looked at that dress. 

The wedding was to be at the Cullen’s house and the reception outside, just like Edwards and my wedding. I left them in Alice’s room talking about the wedding plans, then I headed down the stairs to find Edward, I had a bright idea about the rest of our honeymoon. 

The wedding day came quick, Alice was going around like Alice goes around, hectic.  I was dressed already and sent down the stairs to check on everything.  The flowers and decorations were already done, all of us were in our dresses, they were also red, like part of her wedding dress.  Our dresses were all the same, Red strapless with bell like bottoms to them, I loved them.

  All the decorations were ready, the guest’s were all here and the music was starting.  Alice, lined us all up and we started down the isle, then we were all in place and Elena and Garret came down the stairs.  She was beautiful, I turned around to look at Felix, who was beaming at the sight of her.  She made it up to him and took his hand, the minister started the wedding and all the right things were said, then it was time for the vows, they had both written their own.  Felix started first, because Elena was so overcome with emotion at the moment. 

    “Lena, I will love you every day of forever, I will be your everything.  I loved you since I first saw you, I never want to let go of you and now I never will have to.  I will cherish you and honor you, every day of our existence.  I love you my Lena.  Forever.”

    “Felix, I love you more than my own life, you are my world, my everything, the reason I exist.  I will honor and cherish you forever and I will love you for the same amount of time, I never thought I would be so happy in my life, till you asked me to marry you, you’ve made me the most happiest woman.  I love you my Felix.”

The minister finished and pronounced them husband and wife, then told Felix to kiss his bride.  And boy did Felix kiss his bride.  We never thought they were going to finish, we thought they were going to start the honey moon right there in the middle of the house. 

But, finally they stopped kissing and they turned around, we all clapped for them.  We all headed out back to their reception, it was so beautiful out here again.  Alice had outdone herself.  There was no tent this time, just twinkle lights and a beautiful sunset.  We danced the whole night away.  I do mean the whole night.

 When the sun came up the next morning Felix, Lena, Edward and I headed into the house to get our bags.  My great idea was for all of us to go back to Isabella isle together.  I thought it would be fun to have more people there with us, plus, Edward had showed me a small island house on the other side of my island, it was for us when we wanted to stay on that side, but I thought they could use it.  So we all could have our privacy.  We all got into two cars and headed towards the airport. 

By the time we got back to Isabella isle, it was around midnight.  Edward dropped me off by boat, then took them over to their smaller beach house.  He told me he would be back in just a minute.  I went into the house to get ready for another fabulous night with my Edward, my husband. 

The next day, we had all decided to stay at our own places and spend time together, then we were going to get together the next day.  I spent the whole day and night on the beach with Edward, we climbed up on top of a mountain face to watch the sun set, it was magnificent. 

The next day after that, we all spent the day together, swimming and talking.  It was so much fun and I really got along with Lena.  It felt like I had known her forever.  We spent the next two weeks enjoying the island and each others company, then Felix and Lena wanted to head back home, so we told them goodbye and Edward took the boat and them back to Rio.  I waited on the beach for him.  We had decided to stay on the island for another week then we were heading home ourselves. 

On the way home, I was thinking about everything that had happened to me.  I wondered what would have happened to me if I hadn’t got my memory back, if I hadn’t left Voltera, would I have ended up with Felix?  He would have never meet his Lena and been happy as he is now.  I wouldn’t have been happy either, because of that pull, which was Edwards love for me.  I know that pull would have tortured me.  But, that didn’t happen, I got my memory back, not all of them, but most of them.  I am with Edward and happily married to him.  Nothing would ever hurt me again.  I could be happy and in love forever. 

It turned out that my life was not that Broken Sun anymore, I now compared it to a beautiful sunset! 


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