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Friday, March 4, 2011

Broken Sun Chapter 18 - Trouble

Chapter 18 - Trouble

    “Yeah Alice, what is it.” Edward said.

I knew it wasn’t a good thing she was saying, I could hear most of it from where I was standing.  Edwards face was a mask of fierceness, then he looked over at me and looked scared at the same time.  He came over to me and put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head.   Then he hung up the phone, he didn’t say another thing to Alice.

    “What is it, Edward?  What did Alice say on the phone.”  I asked.  He was so quite at first, he just stood there holding me tighter.  Then he looked down at me and put his hand under my chin to lift it up and kiss me.  After the kiss he told me what Alice said.

    “ Alice had a vision of the guard coming after us.  Well, love it wasn’t just the guard it was everyone!  She saw Felix talking to Aro about you he told him he wouldn’t lose you to me.  They are going to come after you in two weeks, unless they change their minds.” I stood there for a minute stunned but I had known there would be no way Felix would let me go without a fight.  I tried to smile at him but I just couldn’t get the smile right. 

    “Edward, I’m scared.  I don’t want to lose you again, she didn’t see anything else did she.”  He looked at me like he was hiding something.  “Edward please tell me.  She saw something else didn’t she?” I asked, he just stood there.  “I’ll go ask Alice she will tell me.” I threatened. 

    “No, I’ll tell you.” he finally said,  he placed his arms around my waist and held me while he spoke.  “She saw Felix coming alone first to talk to you.  He wants to try and get you alone.”  he said.  Now I was even more scared.  Felix could get me alone and do what they did to me last time.  I don’t even know what or who did that to me.  What if it was Felix who erased all of my memories. 
    “Edward, I don’t even know what they did to me to make me not remember you, I don’t even know who did it.  What if it was Felix?  What if he does it again, I won’t lose you again.  Edward I can’t!  I won’t!”  I said panicking

    “Calm down Bella, it will be ok, he won‘t get near you, I won‘t let him.  We need to figure out what actually happened to you.  Let’s go talk to Carlisle.”  he said.

He took my hand and then we headed back towards the house to talk to Carlisle.  When we got there, we went upstairs to his office, he was sitting there behind his desk.  He told us to come in and we went over to the chairs and sat down.

“Carlisle, I’m guessing Alice already told you about her vision.  Well, we were wondering what exactly they did to Bella.  Do you remember anyone who could do that to someone?” Edward asked him.

    “No, I was just thinking about that.  Bella, before you lost your memory each time,  do you remember who all was there each time?” Carlisle asked me.

    “Well, the first time, after I was taken, there was only Aro, Felix, and  Licy.  The next time it was the same.”  I told him.

    “Bella, I don’t know a Licy, who is she?”

    “Well, she was new to, she was a friend of mine.  Can Felix do that to someone?”

    “No, Felix only has his strength, that’s the reason they keep him.  Since Aro can’t do that and neither can Felix, it has to be this Licy girl who did it to you.  Maybe it is her power.”

    “Licy did this to me!  She erased all of my memories“  I was shocked that she could do this to me, I thought that maybe she was my only real friend there. “ Wow, wait beside me and wrapped his arms around me.  I let my shield down and let my question flood my mind this time. 

I thought, Edward I want to be married to you before come for me.  I want to be with you as a married couple.

    “I want the same thing, love.  We can talk to Alice and see if she can get it planned for this weekend.”  as soon as she said this there was a knock on the door, of course it was Alice.  She came in with a huge smile on her face. 

    “Oh I can’t wait to get started, Bella we have to see if your dress still fits.  Let’s go we have work to do.  ESME!”  she yelled.  I looked down at Edward and let him hear my thoughts again.  Edward, help!  I wanted to be alone with you for another reason.  He smiled at me and looked over at Alice.

    “Alice, could you wait till later, we haven’t been alone a lot and would like to spend some time doing that!”  he told her.  She smiled over at me and shook her head.  She turned around and started to head out the door, then she turned towards me and grabbed my hand, she pulled me off of the bed.  Then she lead the way into Edwards closet.

    “There wasn’t a lot of room in here, so I will be building you your own closet, but anyways here is your cloths for now anyways.”  she showed me everything, she had been shopping for me of course.  Alice will be Alice!  I thought.  I heard Edward laughing in the room.

 Then she showed me a built in dresser, she picked up a black piece of lace, it was for me to wear.  I smiled at her and then hugged her.  It was a nightie for me to wear for Edward.  I grabbed it and went back through the closet and went over to him and kissed him, then went in and took a shower and then got out, then I put on the black lace and fixed my hair.  I then walked out and stood there and waited for his reaction.  He didn’t disappoint.  His eye’s just about bugged right out of his head.  I smiled at him then walked over and got in the bed.  He kissed me and then took me to places I had never been before.  It was wonderful.  We made love for the first time and he didn’t even try any excuses.  We stayed in the bed together for the rest of the night, not sleeping, not talking either. 

The next morning, around six, we heard Alice outside of our door.  So we told her to come in, I had already gotten up and put cloths on.  Edward knew she was thinking about coming in around this time to start the planning on the wedding.  Her and Esme had been working on it last night.  They almost had everything done.  They were amazing, even with me being a vampire, I didn’t think I could get that much stuff done as fast as they did. She dragged me down the stairs to the dinning room table, there was papers scattered every where.  I sat down where she told me to and looked at the guest list.  It was short, it had everyone we knew except my dad.  I looked over at Alice and started to cry again.  I wouldn’t have my dad to walk me down the isle. 

“Bella, honey what’s the matter?” Esme asked, I hadn’t even heard her come in.

    “It’s just that, my dad won’t be able to walk me down the isle.  I want him there to do that so much.”  I told her, she came over and hugged me.  Then I got to thinking, maybe Carlisle could, but if I remembered correctly Edward asked him to be his best man.  So that wouldn’t work, I wonder if Jake would walk me down, but I didn’t think he would because he was still so upset and he wasn’t even here, he was still gone.  I didn’t even know how to get a hold of him.  I hadn’t put my shield back up and I heard Edward come up from behind me, he wrapped his arms around me and drew me close to him.

    “Love, why don’t you just do what you said you were going to do, do it today.  That way he could still walk you down the isle.”

    “I don’t know if I can do that yet.  I want him there though.  So I guess I will have to.”  I stood up and told Alice I would be back to help her, she told me not to worry about it.  I looked over at Edward. 

    “Edward, I want to do this alone!  Please let me do this by myself.” I asked him.

    “Okay, love if that is what you want.” he said, he kissed me and he handed me a set of key’s.  “A early wedding present.”  I looked at him and had to smile, he had that crooked smile on his face that he knows I love.  “It’s right out front.  Okay OKAY Alice you can come.”  he said to her.  She must have been begging in her head. 

I got up again and walked to the door and there it was a beautiful Silver Ferrari!  It was perfect.

    “How did you know?”  I asked him.

“Rose told me, she said that was what you said you wanted!  I called yesterday after we got home and had it delivered this morning.  Do you like it.”

    “Like it, Edward I love it!”  I threw my arms around him and kissed him.  Then he opened the door for me and I got in and started it.  The sound it made was like heaven.  I revved the engine and Rose and Emmett came running out.  I turned around and headed down the drive way.

I cranked the radio and the song it was Say Goodbye by Skillet, I turned it, don’t get me wrong I actually loved the song, but I just didn’t want to think about saying goodbye to anyone right now.  I turned the radio off after that.  When I got to Charlie’s he wasn’t home yet, he must have gone fishing so I called Edward and told him I was going to wait for him.  I got out of my car and headed into the house, I used the key under the eave.  This house never changed, except the fliers that were on the table were new.  They were help me find her flyers.  Charlie was still searching for me.  I went up to my room to get a few things that I wanted to take back to my new home with me.  I grabbed my books and some of my pictures of Edward, some of my clothes, and my journal!  I sat there on my bed for a while just thinking about what all I had been through in the last several months.  Then I heard a noise downstairs, I thought it was Charlie but I was so wrong.  



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