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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Broken Carousel Chapter 7

A/N: Hey everyone. Thanks to all you readers out there. It means the world to me to have you all reading my little story. Okay this chapter is a bit different I had some help with this one. I hope you like it. Midas (my beta) helped me out!

You know the drill, I don't own the Twilight saga characters, I do however own Kylie and Lynn :) So no stealing them or this plot and yes I said stealing b/c that's what it is.

Chapter 7 ~ Frost Bitten Popsicles

Spread the word... That is what the voice in my head tells me to avoid doing.. Repeatedly, it says keep it quiet, frozen images in a blacked out night. This isn't right what happened to me, what could it be that brought on this evil? It is so sinister… It couldn't have happened to me???  Am I to believe that monster was really him?

That wasn't the James I knew, he couldn't have done that to me? My James wouldn't have done that to me!

 Something inside him blew...what am I to do?

Keep it all so very quiet, it is a just a minor hiccup, and just a minor accidental fall. Filter and hush the memories that fill my head. I'll survive the haunting images, all the doubt without the ridicule and shame... I'm the one to blame!

I can tame this horrible story and void it with another broken story.

Maybe this beast in my head can be tamed to the ferocity of a kitten by putting on the kid mittens. Thus it will purify this atrocity to a minor diluted migraine.

Oh shit she has spoken to me…

God why can't the silence remain? Time to securely unleash this beast...

"Kylie your silence is killing me...time to spill what you are thinking. I can see it in your face.

Let me know what you think. Next chapter posted soon...


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